Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hey pops, do I make ya proud?

Back into the swing of things we are and it feels great!!  Today was burn day.  Third degree!  It was a simple yet potentially difficult task that included a magical mix of gelatine, glycerine and sorbitol mixed with water and dumped onto the skin.  That, of course, was the easy part.  And even the pressing of the edges that came next was fairly straightforward.  But, for some reason, I just couldn't get the mix to dry to the right consistency to 'pull' the faux skin is varying directions and ended up having to push it, which didn't give the same results, but still turned out pretty good for my very first 3rd degree burn.

In other school related news there is a great work experience tomorrow doing up models for a fashion show that, unfortunately, I am not involved in as I have to work.  However, it is still exciting watching as the opportunities roll in!  And a fabulous one rolled in today that I am gunning for!  It is a 3 week theatre production about Dusty Springfield and from what I have heard it sounds absolutely fabulous!  And so, I will be handing out my website and resume to the right people.  After that, I will cross my fingers.

And, seriously.. dad!  Do I make ya proud???


  1. Ahh yes very proud!
    Takes me back to the 90's when I used to make my burns/scars/poked out eyes etc out of silicon, stuck on glass and then glued them on my face! You used to cry and hide at Halloween, my how things have changed :-)
    I will find some old pics of Halloween stuff I have done and scan them for you to add to the family Horror album

  2. Gore has my heart! I'm very jealous as I want to learn SFX. Where do you study hun?
