I am on school holidays now! I know.. it happened so fast; feels as though school just started last week. But, it didn't.
Gore, however, started last week. Well, actually it started the week before but my first attempt at a prosthetic application was embarrassing at best and so I choose to let you into my second attempt at a wound, one that was much more successful than the first.
I am enjoying the making and applying of prosthetics, but I seem to be much better at making than applying. It is an art, an art that i will have to practice, practice, practice, to make perfect! And perfect I will make it!
Day 2 of Gore in Week 6 was burns! Now this.. was fun! I took pictures of step by step and then, just before I finished, my camera shut off and did not turn back on again until its tired little battery spent the night recuperating all plugged into my wall. And so, no pictures for this one. It was great fun though. Gelatin, powder, gelatin, powder, latex, powder, pull, poke and prod, then paint. It was a reassuring moments to see my edges blended in flawlessly with the skin and the the invisible seams painted over the latex right on to the skin with no obvious variation in color. I was proud. I did get some critique, as I expect and hope to get with everything I do, but it was probably the best special effect makeup I have done thus far and for that, I am excited and looking forward to practicing over my 1 week break from school.
Wow! Very cool! Looks great!
ReplyDeleteMom xo
Bloody awesome :-)