Wednesday, April 28, 2010

hats off to no hair....

Wednesday today.  Prosthetics class.  It's a funny one.  Prosthetics class.  I feel like I learn so much, perhaps because everything I am doing is new to me, however, I also feel like I am sitting still and doing nothing for much of the class.  We were warned of this in interviews.  That some classes consist of a lot of waiting.  Waiting for latex to dry, glatzan to dry, prosthetic pieces to set and plaster to dry.  Waiting, waiting, waiting.

Today I waited through an instruction video that was likely filmed the year I was born, worked and then waited until long after the silent school bells rang as someone else did their work.   I didn't mind too much though as I, once again, was learning something new.  How to apply a bald cap.

We had manufactured latex bald caps last week and this week we were to apply them.  Going through step by step, I was much more pleased with my politely pressed down edges than I had been with my first latex appliances.  For my first go, I was more than impressed with myself although I did come up against a few set backs, I snipped, pulled and set my bald cap as best I could before I painted, powdered and... portraited? Yes, I took a picture.

Having a blad cap applied to me was relaxing and felt almost like a scalp massage.  I just sat back, read a copy of Makeup Artist Magazine and listened to everyone complain how embarrassing the whole experience was.  Taking off the bald cap, however, was the least exciting part of the overall experience as, after dousing myself with MME and having a 3 hair wash shower, I still have bits of latex stuck in my hair and sticky reside making a home on my roots.

Perhaps my hair will be nice and clean for next Wednesdays class of face casting......

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

create a creature...

Back at school after what turned out to be a long weekend, we got down and dirty. Very, very dirty.  That is not to say that we spent all day playing with blood.  We didn't.  Out came the nose putty, the sprit gum and the paint to make an undefined creature.

First experience with nose putty and I have to say that I am sure it will get easier, and tidier, but it was a messy and confronting experience forcing us to turn 2D ideas into 3D realized concepts.  I designed a cartoon like Draculette.  She was to be blue with a little pixie nose and protruding eyebrows.  The nose went down, more or less, without a hitch.  The eyebrow bones however, did not.  Although they were indeed protruding and blended into the skin fairly well, I just could not get the shape I wanted and was forced to settle.  A learning experience none the less.

That's what school is though isn't it.  A learning experience.

Last week we made blood, latex bald caps and worked on eye sockets.  This week, we will apply that blood to new and elaborate wounds, apply our hand made bald caps and, well, probably not do anything related to eye sockets.

Tomorrow is bald cap today and I am certain the pictures should be a laugh and a half.  I cannot imagine they will work well as they are so thin, however, I will give it my best go.  My model had a super thick head of hair, making my first bald cap application more fun, of course!

And now it is gym time....

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hey pops, do I make ya proud?

Back into the swing of things we are and it feels great!!  Today was burn day.  Third degree!  It was a simple yet potentially difficult task that included a magical mix of gelatine, glycerine and sorbitol mixed with water and dumped onto the skin.  That, of course, was the easy part.  And even the pressing of the edges that came next was fairly straightforward.  But, for some reason, I just couldn't get the mix to dry to the right consistency to 'pull' the faux skin is varying directions and ended up having to push it, which didn't give the same results, but still turned out pretty good for my very first 3rd degree burn.

In other school related news there is a great work experience tomorrow doing up models for a fashion show that, unfortunately, I am not involved in as I have to work.  However, it is still exciting watching as the opportunities roll in!  And a fabulous one rolled in today that I am gunning for!  It is a 3 week theatre production about Dusty Springfield and from what I have heard it sounds absolutely fabulous!  And so, I will be handing out my website and resume to the right people.  After that, I will cross my fingers.

And, seriously.. dad!  Do I make ya proud???

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Spring break?

These school holidays are passing slowly and mostly unproductively.  I have been working away on my website and on starting an 'actual' beauty blog and makeup, hair and fashion where I don't just ramble on about my accomplishments and plans but where I ramble on about the accomplishments of others.  Yay from creams, powders, products and.. shoes?  Yes, shoes!  I find it difficult to start though!  I want it to be more about the absurd side of beauty and fashion but still fully cover the lotions and creams that keep us young, fresh and revitalized.  However, I must invest in some of said creams and start testing and trialling.  I need to keep even more up to date on the fashion shows, most of which just recently happened, and I need to seek out absurd and immaculate talent to inspire me and what I intend to write about.  The website is titled 'Get your glitz on' and is found through my profile here or at!  It will start slow, but it will pick up fast! I promise!

I am almost getting anxious for school to start again.  Likely because I am expecting a shipment of products and goodies and will then get to decide on what else I need to get for myself.  The assessment sheets should also soon start rolling in nice and fast and I get to flick that little creative switch and start rolling out the sketches for creative assignments!

Anyhow, I have daydreams to have and visions to concoct!
I will practice soon and get some more piccies up in the next few days!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Burns, bruises and NO bandaids!

I am on school holidays now! I know.. it happened so fast; feels as though school just started last week. But, it didn't.

Gore, however, started last week. Well, actually it started the week before but my first attempt at a prosthetic application was embarrassing at best and so I choose to let you into my second attempt at a wound, one that was much more successful than the first.

I am enjoying the making and applying of prosthetics, but I seem to be much better at making than applying. It is an art, an art that i will have to practice, practice, practice, to make perfect! And perfect I will make it!

Day 2 of Gore in Week 6 was burns! Now this.. was fun! I took pictures of step by step and then, just before I finished, my camera shut off and did not turn back on again until its tired little battery spent the night recuperating all plugged into my wall. And so, no pictures for this one. It was great fun though. Gelatin, powder, gelatin, powder, latex, powder, pull, poke and prod, then paint. It was a reassuring moments to see my edges blended in flawlessly with the skin and the the invisible seams painted over the latex right on to the skin with no obvious variation in color. I was proud. I did get some critique, as I expect and hope to get with everything I do, but it was probably the best special effect makeup I have done thus far and for that, I am excited and looking forward to practicing over my 1 week break from school.