And so it appears that the 5th week of school is upon me and I find myself wondering where oh where did the past 4 weeks go?
It went in the past, that's where it went; and with it went some product, time and creativity... not to mention a lot of playing, listening and learning. Everything is in full swing now and every day a new technique is taught and a new product introduced.
Today's lesson: The 'infamous' smokey eye (pictured- Janelle, my lovely model for the day)
Let me tell you, it was sure a treat to put away the grease paints and get out some liquid foundation and mascara to create a little beauty. Now, by no means am I a stranger to the smokey eye. As a matter of fact, it is one of those looks, just like cat eyes and pin up styles, that I generally excel at. However, despite doing it time and time again, it was great to be critiqued and corrected by someone who has surely applied a million more smokey eyes than I.
I love learning and relearning looks. In my makeup past, I have always had the opportunity to be creative with what I am doing and have mostly been given an idea that I got to work with. However, in school I am given a specific look to do with specific colours and specific placement, ultimately following a brief somewhat like what a client may offer me. I love this as it gives me the opportunity to work towards someone else's vision. Someone else's goal.
And my goal in school, makeup and career is to be able to do whatever is asked of me and do it well. Or, better than well. Awesome, perhaps. Perfect? Yes, I will settle with perfect. I want to recreate other peoples visions and exceed far beyond their expectations. I want to realize ideas and construct masterpieces on the skin. And that is why even though I am learning and relearning and practicing things I may never use in my career, I am thrilled to be doing so. Because I believe one never stops learning and I feel that one piece of constructive criticism can change the way you look at a face. The way I look at a face. And if words can enhance my ability, I am all for words. And practice, play, listening, watching and, ultimately, learning.