I barely remember last week and this week has been hectic, but marvellous! So, let me tell you about it!

I am thrilled with how the makeup turned out on film! And so, I will give you a quick run down of the products I used.
*MUFE HD Primer - Cinema Secret cream foundation - Smashbox Artificial Light in 'flash' - MUFE HD translucent powder - La Femme blushes and eye shadows - Kryloan black aqua color - Kryolan Mascara - MUFE flash colors mixed with MAC lip glass*
Pretty simple! But great effect! Also exciting is that I did the hair. It was curled, combed and set and, I must say, I am happy with the result.
Next week, I officially start to learn how to 'properly' style hair! I am super excited for this!
Moving on. Tuesday and Wednesday were fairly standard school days, carrying on with theatre makeup and mould making. The evenings, however, were jam packed with sketching, typing, brainstorming and practicing for my Special Effects Exam that was on Thursday.
And so, Thursday came and everyone was very nervous, but the energy in the classroom as we set up and got our models dressed was great! So, great in fact, that our teacher looked shocked with us when she arrived after everyone else.
For my exam, I made up Mardie as a girl who had been in a fight and then, later in the evening passed out in the grass and was shot in the head and, obviously, died. It was simple, but thorough and I was very pleased with the results. And so must have been my instructor as I was graded a 99%!! I must confess, we were graded very generously but I was still on the high side of the generosity!
After my crazily hectic exam day, I went to my second work experience photo shoot. I don't have photos from that one yet, but will post them when they come through. It was a Follies inspired shoot with Angela McConnell behind the camera and the lovely Miss Kelly Ann Doll (a Melbourne Burlesque performer) in front of it! It went beautifully and I can't wait to see the results.
However, reinforced to me during that shoot was no matter how many times I use Kryolan products for beauty work, I will never come to like them and they will now permanently be staying in my SFX/theatre kit where I am more competent with them!
We are getting too long now! It was my Birthday yesterday, my very small celebration today, work Sunday and another big photo shoot on Monday.
Next week will be crazy busy as well, but I will try to keep you updated more frequently to avoid life long blogs like this one! I hope you enjoyed!
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